A revolution in flat-screen TV sound
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Cinebar® 50 improves your TVs sound quality dramatically. There's more, though. This fully fledged sound system supports the Dolby Virtual Speaker technology and can be used for DVD, Blu-ray, satellite/premiere/DVB-T-decoder playback, in stereo and spatial sound. Modern flat screen televisions have plenty of advantages. Sound quality, however, isn't often one of them. Enter the Cinebar® 50, an elegant and complete solution which will outclass any flat screen's flimsy factory sound. Enjoy improved dialog renditions, dynamics, higher volume, and spatial acoustics surround sound. Spatial sound from a single speaker You'll be astonished when you hear the Cinebar® 50's virtual spatiality. That's because the system features the Dolby virtual speaker technology developed over years of meticulous research and development. It processes sound signals in a very special way, distributing them over the built-in speaker chassis. The resulting sound nearly replicates standard five-speaker surround sound. Compromise-free integration Cinebar® 50 is an ensemble. It's the simplest way to upgrade your flat-screen's sound without having to assemble an entire loudspeaker system in your living room. Power reserves of 350-watts RMS make this one of the highest-performing systems of this class available today. Save space and skip the hassle without compromising sound quality. Teufel makes it possible.
This slim sound bar combines four devices into one product: Loudspeaker, decoder, preamplifier, and power amp. The Cinebar 50 unit is equipped with two tweeters, two mid-range drivers, and two low-mid-range drivers that act as a two-and-a-half-way configuration. Together with an integrated amplifier, this speaker system provides 200 watts RMS power. Two digital (optical/coaxial) and two analogue inputs, plus a USB port located on the front of the speaker for MP3 or WMA formats, await four source devices and sound files. Cinebar 50’s decoder component processes Dolby Digital and dts signals originating from incoming digital input devices. This decoder element converts the signal into the proper format for playbac on this stereo device, using Dolby Virtual speaker technology to generate a virtual surround-sound effect. Three different playback modes are available:Stereo – Wide – Reference. The ergonomic remote control allows you to easily access the most important control functions. The current settings status can be easily read off the sound bar panel. The Cinebar 50 module comes with two brackets located at the back of the speaker which can be used to mount the speaker directly to the wall. A table stand for placing it to TV furniture is included in the shipment.
The subwoofer included in the Cinebar 50 package extends the lower range of playback down to the deep bass tones at the lowest of the spectrum: 35 Hz! This subwoofer guarantees just the type of playback you need to bring cinema acoustics to your living room, producing a sound which rivals that of actual home theatre systems. The integrated amplifier achieves 150 watts of RMS power. It drives the vertically installed 250 -mm chassis enclosed in precision-engineered bass-reflex housing to new heights in performance. The subwoofer helps provide full acoustic saturation for rooms of up to 35 m². The Auto On option enables automatic switching into power-saving standby mode. The CB 50 SW is only available as a component of the Cinebar 50 system. It cannot be ordered separately.
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